
1. Download Sublime Text 2. Install Package Control 3. ...

This instruction sheet will cover how to install Sublime Text and use SFTP to transfer files easily onto the zoo's server (e.g. option #2). Use the following ​ ...

How to set up Sublime with sftp to auto

Download sublime 3. Download sublime from https://www.sublimetext.com/3. Get ... Get SFTP Package. Open up Sublime and hit command + shift + p; In the ...

Install | SFTP for Sublime Text

Click the Preferences menu and select Browse Packages… · Browse up a folder and then into the folder named Installed Packages · Download the SFTP.sublime-package ...

Remote FTPSFTP with Sublime

2019年5月14日 — Sublime's Remote SFTP package allows to upload/download files to/from my local device to the server directly within the text editor itself.


Spend less time managing file transfers and more time coding. FTP, FTPS and SFTP support for Sublime Text 2 & 3 that is blazing fast, with smart features and ...

SFTP for Sublime Text

FTP, FTPS and SFTP support for Sublime Text that is blazing fast, with smart features, flexible workflow options and top-notch support. Work off of a server – ...

SFTP using Sublime Text

1. Download SublimeText : http://www.sublimetext.com/2 · 2. Install: https://packagecontrol.io/installation · 3. Restart SublimeText · 4. Open SublimeText · 5.

Sublime SFTP and FTP Plugin (w Remote Browsing)

2016年1月13日 — If you go to Preferences > Package Settings > SFTP ... when i try do download folder, it downloads all files from remote directory without last ...

高雄醫學大學Joomla! 討論網站

sublime-package'; ipp = sublime.installed_packages_path(); os.makedirs( ipp ) ... download (got %s instead of %s), please try manual install' % (dh, h) ...


ThisinstructionsheetwillcoverhowtoinstallSublimeTextanduseSFTPtotransferfileseasilyontothezoo'sserver(e.g.option#2).Usethefollowing​ ...,Downloadsublime3.Downloadsublimefromhttps://www.sublimetext.com/3.Get...GetSFTPPackage.OpenupSublimeandhitcommand+shift+p;Inthe ...,ClickthePreferencesmenuandselectBrowsePackages…·BrowseupafolderandthenintothefoldernamedInstalledPackages·DownloadtheSFTP.subli...

FTPbox 2.6.3 利用FTP/SFTP打造自己的Dropbox

FTPbox 2.6.3 利用FTP/SFTP打造自己的Dropbox
